streda 26. mája 2010

Sunshine redesign! We have blogtrain!

Obchod Sunshine studio scraps robí prerábku stránok.
SUN bude zatvorené od 31. mája. 1. júna bude obchod otvorený v novom šate ....a budeme oslavovať
narodeniny!! Tak sa tešte a navštívte nás 1. júna - čaká vás kopec zábavy!

Sunshine Re-design!Sunshine Studio Scraps will be closing down from May 16 - June 1st to do our redesign. When we come back on June 1st, we will have a new look....and we will be celebrating our birthday! So come on over and join us June 1st for a fresh look and some fun!!!!

Aby sme vám trošku spríjemnili čakanie, pripravili sme blog-train plný freebies.
Začal 16.5. na Sun blogu a každý deň vás čaká frrebie na jňblogoch Sun dizajnérov.

To reward you for being so patient with us, we will be have a daily blog train! It started at the SUN blog on May 16th and will be hitting a new blog each day! Come see the awesome freebies we have for you!

Tu je zoznam všetkých blogov,kde na vás freebie čakajú:
Here are blogs with freebies:
A tu je moje freebie pre vás:
And here is my freebie for you:

4 komentáre:

Anonymný povedal(a)...

Thank you. It's beautiful!

CraftCrave povedal(a)...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today [26 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Sandy_in_MD povedal(a)...

This set is so pretty - thank you very much!

Unknown povedal(a)...

Lovely ! Thanks so much !