Som tu po dlhšom čase a ešte som ani nenapísala kto vyhral challenge! Je to NICO-výhru si zaslúžila,jej LO je super!! Gratulujem! Chcem aj ja prispiet troškou k INSD tak som urobila malé freebie-gelovú abecedu!
Excuse me-I am late with winner of challenge! It is NICO ,her LO is wonderful! I have small gift to INSD for you-gel blobs alpha!
8 komentárov:
Jůůůva!! úžasná ALPHA a profi "zabalená" - děkuji!!
thank you
Brilliant - great idea and looks so real. Thank you
How pretty, thanks so much for sharing with us!
thank you... this is really nice!
thank you so much ... wonderful alpha!!
Thank you for the alphas
Thank you for sharing. Really fun alpha.
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